Frquently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer to your questions here, call us at +44 (0) 1256 320244 to speak with one of our knowledgeable customer service representatives. You may also fax us at +44 (0) 1256 473680, or send us an email at


What is your REMIT TO address?
Gems™ Sensors & Controls
P.O. Box 96860 Collection Center Drive
Chicago, IL 60693
What does it mean to be "Intrinsically Safe?"
The term "intrinsically safe" refers to equipment and wiring which is incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy under normal or abnormal conditions to cause ignition of a specific hazardous atmospheric mixture in its most easily ignited concentration. This is achieved by limiting the amount of power available to the electrical equipment in the hazardous area to a level below that which will ignite the gases present. To be certified "intrinsically safe," a device or circuit must be so designed that no two simultaneous failures can cause an explosion. In order to have a fire or explosion, fuel, oxygen and a source of ignition must be present. An intrinsically safe system assumes that fuel and oxygen are present in the atmosphere, but the system is designed such that the electrical energy or thermal energy of a particular instrument loop can never be great enough to cause ignition. Traditionally, protection from an explosion in hazardous environments has been accomplished either through the use of explosion proof conduits and enclosures (intended to contain an explosion), or via pressurisation or purging (intended to isolate the explosive gas from the electrical equipment). Intrinsically safe apparatus cannot replace these methods in all applications, but in many cases can provide significant cost savings in installation and maintenance of the equipment in a hazardous area. The basic design of an intrinsic safety barrier uses Zener diodes to limit voltage, resistors to limit current and a fuse. Gems™ Intrinsically Safe Relays and Zener Barriers are approved devices designed to render any non-voltage producing sensor or switch intrinsically safe. For more information on hazardous locations as defined by the National Electrical Code (NEC) Handbook, click here.
Can I buy directly from Gems?
Yes. Gems™ accepts orders directly via phone and fax and also provides for online ordering. We also have a network of distributors ready to serve you locally. Click here to be connected to our Distributor Locator.
Can I obtain the scheduled ship dates for my orders online?
Yes. Scheduled shipping dates, along with other important order data, is contained within Gems'™ order information system and updated daily. You can link to this password-protected area of our website by clicking on the "Order Status" tab at the top of our site. Follow the directions on the FasTrak to obtain a user ID and password if you do not have one.
Can I track shipped orders online?

Yes. You can track your order anytime, click here to be connected to our ordering system.

Is Gems Sensors & Controls ISO certified?
Yes. Gems™ is ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 Certified.
Why is there only a 9" cable provided Part #201002 & #2011003?
All of the internal electronics, including the wiring connections, are potted in epoxy during the manufacturing process, leaving no internal physical access for the end user to connect external wiring. The solution was to provide a short length of cable externally, which is typically spliced onto the external wiring of the installation using a junction box.