Can a Fluid Sensor Improve the Flow of Electricity?
During the summer months thousands of independently owned gas fired turbine generators search for a solution to supply energy. Learn how fluid sensors improve electricity in the hot summer months.
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Choosing Temperature Sensors for HVAC and Chiller Equipment
Efficient operation of industrial HVAC and chiller equipment depends upon optimum temperatures of refrigerant and lubricating oil at various phases of the refrigeration cycle. The most common sensors for this purpose utilize negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors of various resistance values. NTC sensor devices exhibit lower electrical resistance when exposed to higher temperatures. Learn more about how to choose temperature sensors for HVAC and Chiller Equipment.
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Customizing with Confidence
For nearly 60 years, thousands of OEM customers have placed their trust in the product quality and reliability of Gems Sensors & Controls. Throughout its rich technical history, the company has served as an invaluable provider of field-tested solutions to complex measurement challenges. Manufactured products include standard and custom liquid level, flow and pressure switches, miniature solenoid valves, and fluid systems for a variety of markets.
Engineering excellence is at the cornerstone of every Gems product. This is passed onto customers in the form of a well-designed, highly robust solution with extended service life. So, what happens when a larger-scale OEM application calls for something more "out of the box" than "off the shelf"? What if a custom solution from another manufacturer is already designed-in, yet not meeting expectations? What if the new custom solution is needed in a relatively short time frame, and yet the legacy technology, or supplier, is now obsolete? Solutions to these problems for many qualified OEMs may be found in Gems custom engineering services.
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Design & Development of High Reliability OEM Subminiature Switch
Until now, traditional options for hydraulic pressure switches in medium-to-high pressure hydraulic systems have been limited due to size, especially for large equipment and vehicle applications. Firstly, sensor installation space within these environments are largely fixed parameters, dictated by the original vehicle and equipment design. Simply, it would not be feasible to facilitate an entire equipment redesign to accommodate a new pressure switch footprint. Secondly, the achievement of higher performance measurement accuracy, particularly in environments characterized by the presence of aggressive pressure pulsations, higher shock and vibration inputs, and other external environmental factors, has been formerly served by the use of diaphragm-based pressure switch designs.
Now, Gems can meet that need with PS61P, our piston actuated sub-miniature hydraulic pressure switch. Learn more about this highly-configurable switch.
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Enhancing Performance with Pressure Sensors
Pressure transducers have become an invaluable tool for the protection and optimization of industrial equipment, converting fluid pressure into variable electrical signals that can monitor and control a system. Nevertheless, while existing transducers offer an impressive service, there is an ever-increasing level of accuracy in the output of these components, thanks to the new methods in which sensor elements and electronics packages are constructed. These new methods have not only added functionality to pressure transducers, they have enabled the components to withstand particularly aggressive process conditions, extremes of temperature, mechanical shock and vibration. Learn more about the latest pressure sensing technology.
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Fluid Handling in Medical Device Design - Issues and Challenges
The proliferation of advanced medical devices and diagnostic instruments continues to accelerate. Laboratories, hospitals and physicians are demanding a growing array of increasingly complex yet smaller, faster and more reliable systems. At the same time cost pressures on both original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and end-users continue to grow. To meet these demands, device manufacturers must increasingly find new ways to innovate design and production, while improving efficiency of resource utilization. Learn more about fluid handling in medical device designs.
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Fluid Level Sensors in Oil & Gas
Fluid sensing in Oil & Gas is more important than ever. Water, oils and chemical fluids are integral throughout the lifecycle of a well, and even more so with the increased activity in unconventional drilling techniques such as hydraulic fracturing. New techniques and regulations have added the need monitor a wide variety of chemicals along with processing flow back and produced wastewater. Liquid level sensing now goes beyond the issues of equipment performance and reliability. Today’s producers must contend with the byproducts of their operations to provide better protection against environmental contamination through better collection, storage and treatment. Learn how each of these steps is handled more efficiently, and with better assurance, when liquid level sensing is applied.
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How Gems Sensors Provides Solutions for the Shipbuilding Industry
Achieving maximum efficiency in marine operations means minimizing maintenance and extending machine life - and that means applying some of the impressive, innovative devices used today for sensing pressure, level and flow. Learn more about solutions for shipbuilding.
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Improving Mission Critical Cooling Systems with More Reliable Level Sensing
The choice of coolant level sensor may seem like an insignificant detail when designing complex machinery such as emergency generators and cranes, but if this sensor fails, the operator has no warning of dangerously low coolant levels. Emergency generators may fail to start when your customer needs them the most, and machinery can overheat to the point of breakdown, requiring expensive repairs and even more expensive downtime. Learn more about why reliable coolant level sensing is important.
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Intrinsically Safe Sensing in Hazardous Applications
Pressure sensors are used across a wide range of process and industrial applications in increasingly challenging environments. As each new problem is addressed, the designers and engineers behind pressure sensing technology continue to enhance its capabilities to solve those problems. Learn more about sensing in hazardous applications.
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Key Instrumentation Considerations in Medical Gas Delivery Systems
The provisioning of medical gases to hospitals, mobile health providers and in-patient care environments requires absolute conformance to stringent industry standards. As a result, manufacturers, distributors and facility safety managers must have complete confidence in supply quality and continuity. It is important to note that, whilst accredited governing bodies do set critical industry health and safety guidelines, they neither evaluate nor inspect medical gas equipment, facilities, pipelines, nor other infrastructure. Compliance is therefore the direct responsibility of the medical gas OEM or integrator, along with the individual facility into which such gases are delivered. Learn more about how Gems helps OEMs achieve required high-accuracy monitoring and control.
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Liquid Level Sensing Technologies
Fluids play a role in a wide variety of industrial, medical and consumer equipment built today. Virtually every piece of equipment or process system utilizing fluids incorporates a vessel that contains the fluid supply, whether it is a small reagent bottle for medical diagnostics, a large tank of acid in the process, or a hydraulic system on an agricultural tractor. Sensing fluid levels is critical to automating systems and protecting equipment. This article focuses on liquid level sensing and will assist in the decision process of selecting the best method for particular applications.
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Sensors for Home Dialysis Systems
Many companies are now finding solutions to overcome the technical and cost challenges to create home based home dialysis systems for chronic kidney failure. Learn more about sensor use in home dialysis systems.
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Simplifying the Search for the Perfect Fluid Sensor
A search on Google for "sensors" delivers 38,600,000 results. Even the more specific search for "liquid level sensors" dumps 4,520,000 results in your lap. Whether you call it information overload or the Tyranny of Choice, it adds up to a daunting task as an engineer to source the ideal sensor component for a particular application. Learn more about simplifying the search for the perfect fluid sensor.
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Solving Difficult Customer Problems
Sensors can help to answer key questions about products, systems and processes. The accurate empirical data they offer can be used to address concerns such as, "How hot is my boiler running?" "Do I have enough airflow within my oxygen delivery systems?" "Is sufficient oil reaching my engine?" "Do my hydraulic lines have sufficient pressure?" As with any question, the first and most important step is to correctly frame it. And that’s exactly where Gems Sensors & Controls begins with its customers. Learn more about this unique process.
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Standard Catalog Product as a Starting Point
Since 1955, Gems Sensors & Controls has built a solid reputation as a global industry innovator. They design and manufacture a wide range of sensors for the detection and measurement of liquid level, pressure, and flow, as well as solenoid valves for fluid control. While Gems is always willing to engineer a custom solution for qualified OEM customers, their standard product catalog is a universal starting point.
The online fully digital catalog contains hundreds of standard models, reference specifications and unit pricing. Content is ever-evolving in response to the ongoing codification and addition of new products. This type of rapid growth is directly attributable to a company passion for engineering innovation. Never complacent, Gems treats each new inquiry as a viable opportunity to push standard product performance limits.
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Submersible Sensors
Advanced electronics have combined with the latest CVD technology to produce pressure transducers that can be used in a wide range of marine applications. Learn more about sensing in marine applications.
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Tackling Tough Fluid Sensing Challenges
If an application calls for the accurate fluid sensing of liquid level, pressure or flow, Gems Sensors & Controls can help. Their extensive fluid sensing portfolio has evolved from nearly 60 years of field-proven successes in a variety of markets.
Common customer fluid sensing challenges can include the point-level or continuous level sensing of hydraulic oils. They might involve the monitoring of sticky, corrosive, lubricating or coating fluids. They could require reliable measurements of sticky foams and suspended solids. Or, perhaps the monitoring of fluid media with changing dielectric properties or highly stringent anti-contamination requirements. Whatever the challenge, rest assured, none is too great for the team at Gems.
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The Force Behind Sensors For Wind Turbines
Pressure sensors have played a major role in increasing the efficiency of wind turbines, boosting the growth of an industry that has the proven ability to offer stable, sustainable energy supplies and cut our carbon emissions, learn more about sensing for wind turbines.
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The True Benefits of Gems Lean Manufacturing
Since its earliest days of making level sensors for marine ballast tank monitoring, Gems has continuously evolved its standard catalog offerings. Each new product introduction stems from another technology breakthrough or customer success story. The unrivaled industry experience of Gems engineers, built upon thousands of successful applications, focuses on design ingenuity, continuous quality improvements, smart engineering, cost optimizations, waste reductions, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Learn about Gems Lean Manufacturing for global cost reductions.
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Water Processing with Pressure
The water and wastewater industries increasingly rely on pressure transducers to offer reliability and enhanced system performance. With dependability such an important issue in the processing of clean and waste water, the use of pressure transducers can provide a vital method of maintaining and protecting both systems and product quality. Learn more about processing with pressure.
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Which Sensor Company is Right for Your Needs?
When choosing a sensor or control device for the product you are manufacturing, you have many choices. Yet anyone with experience knows that, for ultimate long-term success, the attributes of an individual component are just the tip of the iceberg! What about the company that manufactures the sensor? What about their culture? Their overall capabilities? Are they reliable? Read on to learn more about choosing the right sensor company for your company's needs.
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